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questions men ask about the keto diet

There are many misconceptions about the keto diet for men. It's time to dispel those myths and answer some of the most common questions that guys have about this trendy food trend! We'll start with an overview of what it is, how it works, and its benefits. Then we'll tackle some of your personal questions like: What do I eat? Can I drink alcohol? Will my muscles still be strong? If you're thinking about trying Keto or need more info, read on!

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What Is The Ketogenic Diet?

It's a high-fat, low-carb diet that helps you lose weight by forcing your body to burn its own stored fat for fuel instead of relying on carbohydrates from foods. You can eat meats, oils, nuts and lots of greens while following this diet. Many food delivery companies even offer healthy keto menu delivery so you can try out new meals. Make sure you reduce your carb intake because even green vegetables have some carbs in them! How do I calculate my carb intake? Carbs are usually listed as a percentage right next to fats and proteins in food labels so if you need help with doing calculations it might be worthwhile getting hold of a nutrition guide like the Atkins diet book or Carbohydrate Addict's Diet (CAD). This is invaluable because it tells you exactly how many carbs are in each food. What are ketone bodies? Ketones can be used by your body to produce energy when carbohydrates aren't available in your bloodstream. When on a Keto Diet, the liver starts producing ketones out of fatty acids from stored fat. Before and after photos: Will I lose weight faster?

It works like any other diet where you burn more calories than you consume so there is potential for weight loss but as always, the results will depend on what you eat and your metabolism. If I go back to eating normally will my excess fat come back? Yes it will. The only way to reduce your fat permanently is through exercise and weight loss.


Can I Drink Coffee On The Diet?

Coffee tastes great, but unless you plan to drink it black and avoid creamer, milk, sugar, or other sweeteners, then it probably isn't a good choice. By itself, though, there are no issues with drinking coffee (or tea, for that matter) on your keto diet. Naturally, there are no carbs in coffee and while milk isn't expressly prohibited if you are on a keto diet, the carbs found in lactose will quickly amount to your entire daily allocation in just a cup or two.

Some folks though have invented specific "Keto Coffee" recipes where they add butter or ghee to provide a smoother, less bitter flavor. 


Can I Drink Alcohol On A Ketogenic Diet?

It's a question that's often asked, but not everyone knows the answer. The simple answer is yes and no. No, it's not recommended to drink alcohol while eating keto because your liver will be busy metabolizing nutrients from fat instead of breaking down the alcohol as well. And yes, you can drink alcohol in moderation when you're already in keto-adaptation and are not fasting for longer than 24 hours.

Certain alcoholic drinks may be better than others though. For instance, wine is low in carbohydrates, so it's a better choice than beer. Spirits like vodka or whisky may contain fewer carbs but are higher in alcohol content and should be consumed sparingly as well.

One great way to enjoy alcoholic drinks while on keto is by making your own refreshing cocktails with all-natural ingredients! For example, you can make the following Keto Mojito by combining fresh mint leaves (or even store-bought), lime juice, club soda water, organic Stevia drops for sweetness if desired, crushed ice cubes and rum of course! The key thing about this drink recipe though that makes it compatible with keto: replace sugary mixers like simple syrup or fruit juices with healthier alternatives instead.


How Will A Keto Diet Affect Sex For Men?

Any diet that affects your lifestyle and overall physical health will also affect your sex life too. While studies continue to be made on the specific impacts of a high-fat diet in terms of male sexual performance, evidence suggests that a keto diet can be good for sex.

While the initial adjustment period may result in a lower libido, your body will quickly adjust. In fact, most men see an increased sex drive once their bodies have acclimated to the new way of processing energy. Additionally, high-fat diets like keto are often linked to higher levels of testosterone and other sex hormones in men and that will also increase sexual desire as well as performance.

Finally, the overall health and wellness benefits of a keto diet will lead to improved athletic performance, a more clear mind, increased focus, lower blood pressure and other benefits. These, along with improved personal happiness and satisfaction will lead to both increased sexual ability in men as well as overall increased desirability in regards to how potential partners see you.


How Can I Know If I'm In Ketosis?

You don't need to know but you will notice a difference when you're in ketosis, which is characterized by an increase in energy, loss of appetite and feelings of happiness because your body has begun burning stored fat instead of food calories. How long does it take to get into ketosis? It can take anywhere from 7 days to 3 weeks before your body uses all its glycogen stores for energy (carbohydrates) and begins using fat as its new source of energy. After this time, you will no longer be eating carbs and fat ratios (more fats than protein) will change.

Aside from generally how your body feels, you can also purchase products that will measure your exact levels of ketosis. The three most popular methods include: keto testing strips for urinebreath meters for measuring ketosis, and blood tests for ketosis

While you can buy these products online, consulting your physician before investing in medical supplies is always recommended. Most of these products to measure ketosis are designed for people with diabetes and so you'll want to make sure you are using it properly for use with a keto diet.

Why Do I Feel Weak When I'm On A Keto Diet?

If you've recently begun following a Keto diet then there are a few reasons why you might be feeling weak:

Carbohydrates: When on the standard American Diet (SAD) we consume lots of carbs from bread, pasta, cereals… so when we cut out these foods our bodies crave more glucose which comes from carbohydrates. Sometimes this craving can make us tired as if we haven't eaten for days because our body can't get enough fuel from protein to keep us going. Once your body has switched to using fat instead of carbs for energy it will need less insulin to digest the food it is consuming; therefore you may notice that you don't feel as tired as much because your body is absorbing the nutrients in food more easily.

Water retention: If you are overweight then your body will have stored water which can make you appear bloated and puffy. As this begins to gradually drain out of your cells, you may notice that your face looks slimmer, arms smaller and even clothes seem looser!

Burning fat instead of carbs: When following a Keto Diet for long enough, some people get into Ketosis when their bodies use up all its glycogen stores (carbohydrates). After this time the metabolism changes from burning carbohydrates for energy to burning fats for energy and ketones will be produced by the liver from fatty acids in order to provide an energy source; this is called Ketosis and it can take up to 3 weeks for the body to fully adjust.

Getting used to eating a little less: When you begin a Keto Diet you will be eating fewer carbs which means that your body will have to burn more fat in order to get fuel so your metabolism might slow down slightly at first until your body becomes more efficient at turning fat into energy instead of carbs.


How Long Should I Stay On The Diet? 

This really depends on how much weight you want to lose, but most people don't like being hungry or counting calories every day so they tend not eat as much; consequently some people only follow a routine like this for a few days before going back to their "normal" diet because it's just too restrictive for them. If you are going to follow a ketogenic diet then I'd recommend you give it at least four weeks; this way the body has enough time to adjust and start burning fat instead of carbs: some weight loss will occur during this period but real results won't be visible until much later on as lean muscle starts appearing in your body.


How Do Ketogenic Diets Work To Improve Blood Sugar Levels? 

When on a Keto Diet we eat foods with low glycemic index because they don't cause sudden spikes in our blood sugar levels like refined carbohydrates do. Consequently, when your blood sugar level remains stable it lowers your insulin production which is what causes most of us to gain weight. If we lower our carb intake to 20g of net carbs per day then the liver can produce acids called ketones from fatty acids which are an alternative energy source when glucose levels are low.

By using these ketones as fuel instead of sugar, your body will begin breaking down its stored fat reserves into free fatty acids and this is how you lose weight.


How Should I Count Calories On A Keto Diet? 

If you like counting calories, then this plan will fit well with any other type of diet, including Weight Watchers, South Beach, or Atkins, because you'll just be substituting one food for another. Most foods have a caloric value, so it's easy to know how many calories you're consuming, and some websites even provide tools where you can plug in the ingredients of any food to find out how many calories it contains.


How Many Calories Should I Eat On A Keto Diet? 

If you want to lose weight then try to consume around 1500-1700 calories per day: most fat contain 9kCal per gram so if you use this as your calorie reference guide and avoid foods that contain more than 23g of fat in one serving, then you'll be able to easily find foods that are low in carbohydrates but high in protein and fat content; for example, bacon contains 26g of fat per 300g while avocados only have 2g of carbs and 7.5g of fat per 100 grams. For more help, visit FitDay.com – Ketogenic Calculator .


What Is The Difference Between Keto Diet And Atkins Diet? 

Atkins is a specific type of low carb high fat diet which was created by Dr. Robert C. Atkins in the 60's and it was one of the first to recommend that we eat more protein than carbohydrates.

He also recommended that we should avoid eating vegetables because they contain too many carbs so people tended to lose weight but they started feeling tired and weak because their bodies were missing out on important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals. Additionally, there was little distinction between healthy fats and others that may have less nutritional value.

For instance, fat found in pumpkin seeds, avocado oil, nut butter, fatty fish, and even some grass-fed beef are all considered healthy fats while bacon, prime rib, butter, and margarine would be considered unhealthy fats.

The Keto diet can be considered nutritional ketosis allows for some vegetables (leafy greens and broccoli), whole grains and fruits while keeping our carbohydrate intake around 20g per day; this way you still burn fats but you can also eat enough fiber as well as other micronutrients which your body needs to function properly.


How Can I Manage My Hunger Levels On A Keto Diet? 

If you still feel hungry then make sure you're eating enough fat; use bullet proof coffee in the morning which has around 90-125mg of caffeine per cup and is loaded with both fats (eg: coconut oil) as well as saturated and unsaturated fats (eg: grass fed butter, MCT oil). A ketogenic diet also makes you feel full for longer because your body will start using ketones instead of glucose as its main energy source. This makes it very important that you listen to your body and give it what it needs if you want to stay energized while on a ketogenic diet.

If possible, try holding off snacking between meals until lunch time hits; this way you'll make it to lunch feeling full and then you'll consume less calories at lunch time.

Weight loss is an important component of many keto diets but it can sometimes be tough if you are craving more food. 

Even if you had a well balanced health lunch, snacking is part of life. If you need snacks, try foods that are easy to carry with you such as macadamia nuts that are both tasty and easy to keep hidden in your desk for when you need something to eat.


How Can I Stay Motivated On A Keto Diet? 

Counting your calories will become second nature after a while; if you're eating too many vegetables then just remember that there are other options for low carb foods so if you start feeling tired or weak, try increasing your fat intake by adding some healthy fats like cream cheese or coconut oil into your diet (use butter with melted cheese when cooking instead of olive oil since the former contains no carbohydrates).

Also, keep some ketone strips handy (these are generally used to test urine to see whether someone is in ketosis) so you can check how well your body is handling its transition into using fats as its primary energy source; this way you can see whether or not your body is adapting to a ketogenic diet and whether you need to make any changes.


How Can I Limit My Losses On Ketosis? 

If someone tells you that something is "bad" for your health, don't immediately throw it out – do some research first! Keto diets are getting a bad rep because so many people see them as high-protein diets (which they aren't) combined with large amounts of fat consumption (which also isn't true). Remember that while on a ketogenic diet you'll be eating more healthy fats and no carbohydrates at all – keep in mind that this means "no starches, sugars or anything with even the smallest amount of sugar substitutes"; just because a product says it has 0g of carbs doesn't make it low carb!

The first thing that comes to mind here are artificial sweeteners: aspartame, saccharine, etcetera – these contain lots of chemicals and they mess up our insulin levels. In addition, many people have found out the hard way that eating these non-foods actually cause weight gain instead of weight loss; it's best just to avoid them altogether but if you really must use something then make sure it has no more than half a gram of carbohydrate per serving since anything more than 20g will kick your body out of ketosis. 


How Can I Boost My Energy Levels On A Keto Diet? 

Remember earlier when we said that the ketone bodies in your body trigger our brains to produce more energy then glucose could ever do? There's no reason why you shouldn't make use of it; some good examples of foods which will boost your energy levels are coffee, tea, chocolate and green leafy vegetables as well as watermelon – these contain lots of citrulline which is a precursor for arginine production: arginine is an amino acid crucial for maintaining energy as well as boosting cognitive performance.

How Much Weight Loss Should I Expect Per Week On A Ketogenic Diet? 

Provided that you know what you're doing and you're eating in moderation then expect to lose about two pounds per week without exercising.

If you start doing moderate exercise on top of that then you should notice yourself losing even more excess weight. This diet will help get rid of those fats which have been troubling you for so long and it will give your body the extra kick it needs to make a change.


Since your body will redirect its primary energy source from glucose to fat, some people think they can get away with not doing any exercising and still lose weight. This isn't exactly true since one thing which will remain constant is the level of physical activity which you do every day; you don't have to worry about doing extra exercise but if you start feeling tired and fatigued then you'll want to start walking more, doing some yoga or hitting the gym.


What Are The Most Commonly Occurring Side Effects When Someone Starts A Ketogenic Diet? 

Since your body hasn't used fats as its primary source of energy in a very long time (at least not since we evolved from hunter gatherers) there will be some obstacles in your way; it's best if we prepare for them now before they happen so that we can avoid any nasty surprises. Firstly, it's important for your body to get rid of all stored carbs since these will serve as an additional energy source and they'll keep fat burning at bay; because of this, you might find yourself feeling tired and lethargic – don't worry though, you'll be able to function normally even if you aren't doing your usual activities.


What Kind Of Food Should I Eat On A Ketogenic Diet? 

During the first two weeks of this diet, try to stay away from fruit and vegetables – these contain lots of carbohydrates which will only serve to kick us out of ketosis. In addition, it's important that we don't consume any dairy products either since they're quite high in calories; after this stage is completed then you can start adding some low-carb vegetable and fruits while still consuming most types of meat in moderation. 


How Much Protein Is Required For A Keto Diet? 

The general rule is that 0.6 grams per kilogram of protein is the maximum amount which we can consume while on a keto diet. This doesn't mean that you have to stick to this number exactly though; if you're hungry and your body craves some protein then it's okay to eat just slightly more than the recommended 0.6g, but don't go overboard since eating too much will reverse many of the effects of this diet!


How Will My Body React To A Ketogenic Diet? 

At first you might feel some slight discomfort from not eating anything with any carbs in it, but don't worry since this is quite natural; there's no need to eat a bunch of low-carb vegetables or "crash diet" so that your body can adjust.

This negative reaction is sometimes referred to as the keto flu and is caused by an intense metabolic state which will re-train your body to burn fats and manage energy properly. This is one of the major differences between a ketosis diet and simply a low fat diet or low carb diets.

You will also want to avoid making sudden changes without seeking advice from your physician. Weight loss is healthy for most people seeking to lose excess fat, but rapid weight loss can also stress your body and that's why you might feel a bit sick during that adjustment period.

During this time you may want to monitor your blood sugar as well as ketone levels to ensure that you are staying healthy. Otherwise, just give your body some time and the right environment. Everything should be back to normal soon. 


What Are The Men's Health Benefits Of Following A Keto Diet? 

There are many benefits that men will experience when they follow a ketogenic diet lifestyle. Here are some of the big ones that most people experience.

Weight Loss

 You'll lose weight which is achieved by eating less food because your stomach will feel fuller for longer as well as burning fat.

Reduced Insulin Resistance

By lowering your insulin production, your body will have better control over blood sugar levels and this lowers our risk of developing diabetes type 2 (diabetes mellitus type 1 does not occur from diet). Lower blood sugar levels is a big benefit of a standard ketogenic diet as well as other low carbohydrate diets.

Improved Muscle Definition

If you are overweight then ketosis helps to clear excess water from cells and this makes us look slimmer and more toned instead of bloated; plus you'll be able to see muscle definition appearing through your skin.

While not everyone's body reacts to keto the same way, most people do have a positive experience. The biggest challenge is simply following the regimen strictly enough to experience the benefits and maintain ketosis. If you "cheat" too often, you will just be consuming a huge amount of fatty foods while not having your body able to break it down into energy properly.


What Are The Best Medium Length Term Benefits Of A Ketogenic Diet? 

After being on this diet for about 2 months or so, most people will experience their mind working at its full capacity and they'll want to start tackling some more challenging tasks. In addition, your body fat will be burning at a much faster rate since it's getting rid of its stored fats; combined with losing weight, you'll look slimmer and feel better about yourself!


What Are The Best Long Term Benefits Of A Keto Diet? 

At this point, we've all but beaten the bad carbs out of our bodies so now it's just time for the good stuff; with normal metabolic functioning restored, people who go on ketogenic diets are often reported to have more energy and oxygen than before (this is especially true if you're physically active). This means that we can do whatever we want pretty much without thinking about what type of foods we're eating – it's like being a kid again!

In addition, many people experience an increase in mental focus and they get better at long term memory recall; this is likely due to the fact that ketogenic diets have been shown to improve synaptic plasticity and brain activity . 


How Can I Eat Out On A Keto Diet? 

Since most restaurants usually use grains for their dishes, we'll want to avoid these as much as possible. Instead, stick with meat to help with your protein intake and vegetables for important vitamins and minerals. If you really need something starchy then it's fine to have some sliced potatoes with butter (try not to fill up on them though!). Once you start getting more sophisticated in your cooking methods then choosing keto-friendly foods will be a piece of cake; there are plenty of sites dedicated to creating recipes from scratch which will be tailored to your diet.

Chipotle Is An Excellent Keto Friendly Restaurant

Almost any restaurant can be keto friendly. However, certain types of cuisine lend themselves to a guy who's following a ketogenetic lifestyle than others. For instance, with regards to fast food, Chipotle is one of the best. They even specifically market their new "Lifestyle Bowls" featuring Cilantro-Lime Cauliflower Rice as Keto (as well as fitting other diets such as Whole30, Vegan, High Protein, Paleo, and Vegetarian).

What is important to remember is that while you are focused on a high protein ketogenic diet, healthy habits are key to your ketogenic diet plan.

What Is The Worst That Could Happen From Following A Ketogenic Diet? 

If you go overboard then it's possible that we'll end up putting on some extra weight – this is because ketogenic diets have a way of re-training our bodies so they know how to burn fat instead of carbohydrates, and with no carbs around anymore our body needs more energy than usual (this can easily be remedied though). Also, as long as you continue eating enough protein then almost all negative effects should subside in a few days or so. Similarly, during this initial period, as your body transitions from carbohydrates to ketones and fat for energy you may experience what some refer to as the "Keto Flu" where you feel headaches, nausea, intestinal problems such as constipation, as well as fatigue.

Other, more serious risks to your body can include heart, kidney, and liver problems related to the fact that a high intake of proteins without being balanced can actually turn your blood and urine acidic. You may also experience an unhealthy amount of calcium in your urine, resulting in an increased risk of kidney stones due to reduced amount of citrate that would normally bind to the calcium and help you excrete it naturally.

Can I Eat Too Much Fat On Keto? 

Strictly speaking, eating too much fat as part of your keto diet isn't really a thing when measuring how the diet works as a food regimen. However, calories are calories. If you're taking in more fat than your body needs, then that fat will just get stored as fat – it's not good to eat too many calories (regardless of what they are).

Limiting carb consumption in your keto diet plan is essential but you still have to eat healthy.

Keto Only Works If You Adopt Healthy Habits

This is the most important thing to remember: Don't let this diet fool you. The normal rules of healthy eating still apply.

Additionally, it is important for men who are considering a ketogenic diet to consider what kinds of fat they are consuming. Certain fats such as saturated fats from butter, fatty meat, and some oils can still be bad when consumed in large amounts. Others such as fat found in olive oil, fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and some meat - especially 100% grass-fed beef can be better choices.


What If I Need Carbs? 

If after implementing a ketogenic diet we find that we still need some simple carbohydrates (which shouldn't really happen too often), then going for broke is fine – just remember to try and include them in your diet after doing some exercise (this way they'll be used as energy).

A standard ketogenic diet is by it's very nature a low carbohydrate diet that works by eating fewer carbs. As a low carb diet though, that is different than a no carb diet. Low carb veggies are essential here for fat loss and there carb options that you can include in your diet.

A version of keto that is popular among many men is a targeted ketogenic diet. Targeted ketogenic diets work by allowing you to have a higher carb intake relative to your fitness and workout plans. In this situation, a good piece of whole grain bread or a small amount of rice can be integrated into your diet if you pair it with a workout.

Even without a targeted ketogenic diet though, it is still possible to include a very limited amount of carbs in a standard keto diet.

Rice is a very good example of how this will work out: Let's say that you're burning about 2,000 calories per day (which is about average for a healthy male). If we want to make sure that all the carbs we eat are turned into energy, then we need to somehow spread those calories across 5 meals. This means that each meal will have 400 calories coming from carbohydrates – which includes rice! (If you do this right then the rice shouldn't affect ketosis at all; think of it as an added bonus!)

Generally speaking though, if you need carbs you should seek out carb choices with a low glycemic index (GI) so sugars won't be processed to quickly into your blood stream.

As such, if rice is what you want to spend your carb budget on, try wholegrain basmati rice instead since it is among the best options in terms of GI levels.


What Should I Not Eat On A Keto Diet?

Since the main goal of this diet is to cut out carbohydrates, it's important that you don't consume foods with a high glycemic index. To make sure that we don't accidentally consume such foodstuffs, these are some key things to watch out for:

Sugar and Sweeteners

Refined sugars should obviously this should be avoided at all costs! It is very bad for your physical health as well as your mental health (especially if you're already prone towards addiction). Soda – not only does soda cause obesity (and being overweight is one of the leading causes of diabetes), but it also has tons of sugar in it. Fruits – while fruits mostly contain healthy fiber, they also have simple sugars in them which will mess up your keto diet. Fruit juices – same deal as above, but even worse because it's much easier to consume a large amount of simple sugars with fruit juices (hence why calories from fruits are more relevant as per the glycemic index). You should also avoid dried fruits since they're high in sugar content. Grains and Grain Products – if you haven't already done so then take a look at this link  for an in-depth article on how grains affect our bodies as well as the research backing up their effects; long story short, wheat products cause all sorts of health problems ranging from diabetes to cancer.

Natural Sweeteners

These natural sweeteners include stevia extract, xylitol and erythritol (all of which have <1g of carbs per 100g). These can be consumed but should not be used in excess. This is especially important for people who are diabetics.

Artificial Sweeteners

These artificial sweeteners include aspartame, sucralose and saccharin (all of which have a high glycemic index) and should be avoided at all costs. A good alternative to sugar would be Stevia since even though it has a very low glycemic index (making it safer), it still retains its sweetness without any calories; this means that you'll come out better off if you consume stevia sweetened foods instead of consuming food containing sugar! Just make sure that your stevia product doesn't contain any added "extras" such as dextrose, maltodextrin or other fillers since these will add lots of carbs to your diet.

When eating out, try to avoid restaurants that serve sugar laden foods (such as fast food chains) and try consuming lean meats such as chicken breasts and fish & seafood. 


Do We Have To Follow A Ketogenic Diet Until The End Of Our Days? 

Looking at your Ketogenic Diet as a chore or punishment will set you up for failure. This is a lifestyle choice that you can begin or end at any time. Many men (as well as women) find that keto becomes part of their lifestyle and that it is both manageable and enjoyable.

If you find that you continue to crave carbs or miss certain foods such as ice cream, cakes, or fresh baked bread then keto might not be for you. Or you can potentially try it in cycles of being on or off the diet with for instance a month at a time.

Instead of looking at what you can't have or the restrictions that your new ketogenic lifestyle requires, successful people who use a keto diet to improve their health focus on the opportunities and positive aspects instead.

A Ketogenic Diet Can Offer Many Benefits For Men But It Requires Planning and Preparation

Should a man looking to improve blood sugar levels, and lose excess fat consider a keto diet? In short, the answer is yes! As long as you eat moderately and consume enough protein then you won't be gaining weight; in fact, you might even lose some pounds if your goal is to look better and be more healthy. Just make sure that whenever you're cooking meals or buying snacks that there are appropriate low to zero carb foods always at hand – this way you'll never get cravings and can reach your goals quickly and efficiently! Until next time, stay keto!  

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#MenWhoBlog MemberBlog MasterThought Leader

James' passion for exploration and sense of duty to his community extends beyond himself. This means he is dedicated to providing a positive role model for other men and especially younger guys that need support so that they can thrive and be future positive contributors to society. This includes sharing wisdom, ideas, tips, and advice on subjects that all men should be familiar with, including: family travel, men's health, relationships, DIY advice for home and yard, car care, food, drinks, and technology. Additionally, he's a travel advisor and a leading men's travel influencer who has been featured in media ranging from New York Times to the Chicago Tribune, and LA Times. He's also been cited by LA Weekly "Top Travel Bloggers To Watch 2023" and featured by Muck Rack: "Top 10 Outdoor Journalists for 2022".

He and his wife Heather live in St Joseph, Michigan - across the lake from Chicago.