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What are "Blogger Mancations"?

Join us as we bring brands and bloggers together on experiential journeys where your products and services will be presented in context to top influencers. Unlike other blogger networks, members of #MenWhoBlog are friends and collaborators. When we come together on a blogger mancation the brands win because we are able to experience their products as they were meant to be experienced. Plus, since we generally bring partners together the costs are far lower than they would otherwise be for a much higher quality of product.

This is because our members come together and RT, share, and engage with each other vs a typical trip. Furthermore, we are able to create opportunities within each trip that cater to our members and make our adventures and sponsors stay at top of mind even once the trip is over.



Sponsorship Options:

Custom Trip:

These are custom trips designed from the ground up to focus on your brand and you have control over the guest list, hashtags, itinerary. Typically we are able to partner with a hotel or tourism destination to reduce the overall cost and increase the content produced. For instance, the sponsor gets a minimum of one blog post and so will the tourism destination host, but it is our objective that both parties will be featured in both posts as well as through social media content created. 

Brand Sponsor:

We have many situations where we can integrate brands into existing trips. For instance, if we have an upcoming trip to go camping then we can easily integrate a brand such as Hormel or a snack food company into the overall experience. Content featured depends on brand investment and can range from "what the bloggers feel like" if it is just product provided to sponsored content required to be produced by the guests. 

Tourism Destination Host:

Like the Brand Sponsorship above, we like to work with Tourism Destinations and can organize a trip to showcase the destination for a minor fee. This sponsorship fee covers our time to recruit the men, work with you to create the itinerary, promote the trip through our network, and to coordinate and report back to the host on how much and what content was produced.

Examples of Blogger Fam Trips We've Organized ...

joshua tree mazda 3 trunk

Read More: Camping at Joshua Tree with Mazda


san antonio guys mancation

Read More: Texas Mancation in San Antonio with Texas Tourism & Toyota


carnival sunshine mancation

Read More: Carnival Sunshine Mancation at Sea