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Anyone who has spent quality time with the people they love will know all about what it can do for nearly every aspect of their being. You have to make sure you spend your time with people you care about because you only get a select few years here. You also have to make sure those people want the best for you and want you to live a life of happiness. Being around the wrong people can lead to all kinds of issues. 

If you’re a family man or woman, or you have plenty of close people in your life, it’s best to make sure you maximize your time with them whenever you can. We’re a social species that feels great when we’re with them and doing significant things with them. Here are just a few ways that quality time with close ones can really benefit your life in a holistic sense: 


You’ll Be Kept Active And Occupied Frequently 

When you have your family and other close ones nearby, the chances are that you’ll all want to do something quite frequently. When you’re constantly on the move – doing one thing or another – you’ll be staying fit and healthy without even realizing it. You’ll be burning all kinds of calories just by getting up and getting out. If you’re doing anything that requires any kind of extra physical activity, then that’s a bonus. Those who are active with their family tend to be more confident and happier as their brains are being stimulated more due to the exercise they’re getting. Having something to do with your life is wonderful – doing it with those you love is even better. 


Confidence In Everyone Can Be Increased Significantly 

Just going out and doing more as a group can increase happiness and confidence levels – as we’ve already gathered. There is something almost intangible about having those you love around you, though. Knowing that you are loved means that you’ll feel more at home when it comes to simply existing. If you are with your partner and your kids, or you have parents and extended family supporting you, it simply makes life so much nicer. If they all have the right attitude and are kind, good people, your existence is a lot smoother. 


You’ll All Feel As Though You Can Take Risks, Try New Things, And Fail Purposefully 

Following on from that point, you’ll also be able to go out and actively try all kinds of new things. When you have a positive mindset brought about by your surroundings, you’ll be more open to taking risks and failing along the way. So many people are frightened of trying new things and doing things wrong because of how they perceive the fallout. When you have the right people around you, these kinds of things become so minimalized and you get to learn all kinds of new skills. 


Everyone Will Have A More Positive Mindset In Life 

If you have a wonderful family situation and you spend good quality time together, you’ll likely all have a positive outlook on life by sheer habit. When there are tensions within the family and you have a few people cursing life somewhat, it can seep into others’ minds, too. Making sure that you’re a family that intends on keeping things happy and positive will allow everyone’s life to flourish. Whether you’re going out and doing things as a family or staying in more often than not, quality family time will promote such a positive aura around the entire household. 


You Could All Explore So Much Of The World 

Getting together and deciding to do things as a family is often one of the best moves you can possibly make. When it comes to heading abroad or going on a road trip together, you barely ever have a terrible time. Even if things go a little pear-shaped and not as you’d planned, your togetherness and atmosphere both make things better. Whether you’re staying at a family inn somewhere in the same country or you’re heading to the other side of the world, your adventures would likely end up being things to really remember. 


The Kids Can Quickly Learn The Very Basics And Fundamentals Of Life 

If you have kids that are brought up in a comfortable and calm family environment, they’ll be able to take things on a lot easier. They’ll feel less worried and they’ll likely have teachers that make things clear and concise. They’ll know how to do chores, how to cook, and what is necessary in order to keep a household running. When you don’t have a stable situation, your kids might end up knowing very little even well into their adulthood. 


The Selfish Aspect Of You Becomes Diminished 

When you spend a lot of time on your own, you will often do things for yourself. Obviously, doing things for yourself is a good thing a lot of the time, but too much will see you become a little too selfish. You’ll become accustomed to not looking out for others and you’ll not see that as too much of a problem. When you have a family around you, it makes you simply more selfless as you’ll be almost naturally inclined to look after those close to you. Being around people that you care for will get you into the habit of considering others before yourself in so many different instances. 


Your Overall Mental State Is Looked After And Your Stress Levels Are Typically Lowered

When you have people around you that love you, it makes a world of difference to how your mind and body operate. Knowing that you have people supporting you and wanting the best for you can give you the biggest boost. When you’re not together with family due to one reason or another, you can begin to think about them a little too much and eventually overthink certain points. You might miss them greatly and wonder what they’re doing without you. Your stress levels can climb and this can then lead to all kinds of negative situations. Ensuring that you’re keeping your family life as positive and happy as possible will allow you to live the life you’ve always wanted. 

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#MenWhoBlog MemberBlogging GuruThought Leader

James' passion for exploration and sense of duty to his community extends beyond himself. This means he is dedicated to providing a positive role model for other men and especially younger guys that need support so that they can thrive and be future positive contributors to society. This includes sharing wisdom, ideas, tips, and advice on subjects that all men should be familiar with, including: family travel, men's health, relationships, DIY advice for home and yard, car care, food, drinks, and technology. Additionally, he's a travel advisor and a leading men's travel influencer who has been featured in media ranging from New York Times to the Chicago Tribune, and LA Times. He's also been cited by LA Weekly "Top Travel Bloggers To Watch 2023" and featured by Muck Rack: "Top 10 Outdoor Journalists for 2022".

He and his wife Heather live in St Joseph, Michigan - across the lake from Chicago.