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here's why you should shave your beard

If you look through the images of history, men have been growing their beards for centuries. Millenia, even, because we didn't always have razors and electric shavers and especially not as cave dwelling people. Men have grown beards for warmth, for comfort, to exert dominance against other crews and to accentuate that masculinity. At some point in life, all men have attempted to grow a beard, and while not always successful, the attempt has been there! 

The chances are, though, that it’s crossed your mind to shave your facial hair down to that smooth skin underneath. There are hundreds (no, really) of products for shaving on the market today. From pre electric shave product options to brushes and cream in the days of Sweeney Todd, you have a myriad of options to choose from when it comes to your next shave. It may be confusing to choose which ones to go for, but it’s even more confusing to choose whether you should shave in the first place. With this in mind, we’ve got a few great reasons that it’s time to shave that beard!

It’s A Lot Of Work To Keep A Long Beard Looking Tidy

Let’s be real: beards are excellent food catchers. They are and there’s no getting around that fact. Maintaining a longer beard without it looking like you’ve been thrown into a wall isn't easy. It takes effort to keep it from looking scraggly and to keep it clean - and who has that kind of time?! Washing, drying, conditioning, oiling, brushing, trimming - yep, this is all involved in keeping the beard looking sharp. Instead, take it all off and free your time.

It’s Not Cheap To Keep A Beard

Think about it honestly; oils, beard shampoos and conditioners, balms, gels - none of these things are free. You have to consider how much money you would spend on maintaining your beard and styling it. Plus, for those special occasions you choose to head to a barber and you get your beard professionally taken care of, right? That costs extra!

What If You Can’t Actually Grow One?

Do you know what happens when you can’t grow your beard effectively? It grows in patches, and this comes in at different lengths. If you have a patchy beard, it doesn't look good and you want to keep your self-esteem intact! Smooth shaving it all off is going to get you that self-esteem boost you need, not the patchy hair you have!

It’s Professional To Be Clean-Shaven

I know, I know - screw the opinions of others, it’s your hair and you’ll do what you want with it. We get it and we’re here to support that. However, there is one tiny little problem in that reasoning. There are some industries and employers that prefer their staff to have a clean shave over a long beard, and if they can handle facial hair, it has to be professional. That takes us back to point one and two: if you can’t be bothered to put in the effort to keep the beard nice, get rid of it and be more successful in your job hunt as a result.

You’re Not In The Caves Anymore

There was a time men would grow the longest possible beard to use for warmth and strategy in the jungles and caves of the world. We’re no longer in this time, and the longest beards simply get in the way. No one is scared off by your beard and you aren’t wrapping yourself up in it anymore (we hope!). Go on - shave it off and discover your jaw line!

It Could Be Making You Bald

Gravity is a thing, you know. Did you know that in a study it was found that men who had thick beards were far more likely to go bald than those with no facial hair at all? Your scalp should evaporate sweat all over at the same time, but if you have a beard covering the bottom half of your face, you have even more active sweat glands on your head. By 40% - which is a lot! Hair loss is very common in men, and your beard could be the cause!

The Image You Project To The World Will Be More Reassuring

No judgment here, it’s said that if you have a bushy beard covering much of your face, you look more menacing than if you had a layer of stubble or a smooth shaven face. It’s not your fault you have a beard of majesty, but when it’s left untamed, you won’t be offering people the image you want to project. 


You Could Help Others

Did you know that there are multiple charities that collect human hair donations and they donate the proceeds to making wigs? You could even choose to grow your beard as long as possible and then raise some money along the way - and get your company behind you to sponsor you for a charity donation.

You’ll Look Great

Whether you shave the whole thing off or you simply cut it down and style it well, you will look fantastic when you put a little effort into the beard you’re growing. If you want a whole makeover and you’ve been sporting that lush beard for a while, snipping it back and going for a smooth shave can completely change your look and the way that other people see you, too. It’s an excellent way to shock people, too, as they’ll be so used to seeing you one way and then BOOM - there’s your face.

A beard can and might make you feel great. The thing is, a beard is only worth keeping if you have the time, money and energy to take care of it properly. Without that proper car, it looks like you don't care about yourself and we all know that this isn't the case!

So ... dude, shave the beard and give yourself the chance to regrow it and style it the right way this time.

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#MenWhoBlog MemberBlogging GuruThought Leader

James' passion for exploration and sense of duty to his community extends beyond himself. This means he is dedicated to providing a positive role model for other men and especially younger guys that need support so that they can thrive and be future positive contributors to society. This includes sharing wisdom, ideas, tips, and advice on subjects that all men should be familiar with, including: family travel, men's health, relationships, DIY advice for home and yard, car care, food, drinks, and technology. Additionally, he's a travel advisor and a leading men's travel influencer who has been featured in media ranging from New York Times to the Chicago Tribune, and LA Times. He's also been cited by LA Weekly "Top Travel Bloggers To Watch 2023" and featured by Muck Rack: "Top 10 Outdoor Journalists for 2022".

He and his wife Heather live in St Joseph, Michigan - across the lake from Chicago.