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working from home

Working from home can be a great way to avoid the distractions of an office environment, but it can also be easy to fall into bad habits. If you want to stay healthy and productive while working from home, you need to kick these bad habits and build some new healthy ones. The best way you can do that is by optimizing your home office space so that it is healthy e for you to work.

Why Staying Healthy While Working from Home Is Important

Nobody means to be unhealthy or create an environment that is suboptimal for getting work done in a safe and productive manner. However, if your goal is to stay healthy while working from home then you need to take an active role in both behavior modification and creating a well designed dedicated home office space.

We’ve already discussed how to make your home a great place to work, so now let’s focus on what you can do personally to kick those bad habits and stay healthy working in your home office.

Bad Habits You Need To Avoid While Working From home

Working from home often means that there’s nobody there to tell you what to do. This is especially true for those younger guys out there that are living alone still. However, if you are married or have a partner - it’s a different situation than having to face peer pressure from office co-workers on a daily basis.

Here are some of the most common habits that hinder people who want to work from home.

Lack of Structure and Focus

Working from home can turn into a free-for-all pretty quickly. You need to avoid falling into the trap of having no structure.

Working from home can be a blessing, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. For instance, you might find yourself without set working hours. Now, this might sound like a dream come true at first. Who wouldn't love the idea of working whenever they want, right? But here's the catch - without a schedule, your workday can stretch far beyond the usual 8-hour shift. You might find yourself checking emails at midnight or finishing up a project early in the morning. This erratic schedule can wreak havoc on your sleep pattern and overall health.

Another challenge is not having a dedicated workspace. When you work and live in the same space, it's easy to blur the lines between professional and personal life. You might find yourself doing household chores during office hours or vice versa. This lack of separation can lead to increased stress levels and decreased productivity. It's important to create a dedicated workspace at home, no matter how small it may be. This will help you mentally separate work from leisure and make you more efficient.

Lastly, there are no clear boundaries between work and personal life when you're working from home. It's easy to find yourself working during family time or taking business calls during dinner. This lack of balance can lead to burnout and strain relationships with loved ones. To avoid this, it's crucial to set boundaries and stick to them. Let your colleagues know your working hours and make it a point to switch off from work during your personal time.

In conclusion, while working from home gives you flexibility, it also requires discipline and structure. By setting fixed working hours, creating a dedicated workspace, and maintaining clear boundaries between work and personal life, you can stay healthy and productive while working from home.

Remember, structure is key to productivity.

Too Much Screen Time

Alright, let's dive right in! Working from home sounds like a dream, doesn't it? You're in your comfy clothes, maybe even in your pajamas, with no commute to worry about. But here's the thing - it can also become a health nightmare if you're not careful. It's incredibly easy to find yourself practically attached to your screen for hours on end without realizing it. And this, my friends, can open the door to a whole host of health issues.

First off, we've got eye strain. Staring at a screen for too long can lead to digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. Symptoms can include headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and even neck and shoulder pain. Not fun at all, right?

Then there's poor posture. When you're hunched over your laptop on your couch or bed (come on, we've all done it), it's easy to slump into a position that's bad for your back and neck. This can lead to chronic pain and other musculoskeletal problems down the line.

Lastly, there's the sneaky issue of lack of physical activity. When you're working from home, you don't have those little moments of movement that you'd get in an office - walking to meetings, going up and down stairs, even just moving around more in general. One popular solution is to invest in a standing desk or other equipment that helps you maintain a basic level of fitness and strength training while doing your normal work routine. Without that, the lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain and increased risk of various health conditions.

But don't worry - I'm not just here to scare you! There are simple solutions to these problems. The key is to ensure you take regular breaks and move around. Stand up, stretch your legs, give your eyes a break from the screen. Maybe do a quick workout or yoga session during lunchtime. Remember that your health is important too, not just your work.

So yes, working from home has its perks but also its pitfalls. Be aware of them and take proactive steps to stay healthy while enjoying the comfort of your home office.

Lack Of Proper Grooming and Hygiene

Staying clean, well groomed, and looking professional is an essential part of staying healthy while working from home. Even though other folks might not be able to see or smell you, it is important to maintain a professional look (even if you may still be wearing pajama bottoms during Zoom calls!).

Not surprisingly routine grooming tasks such as taking a daily shower, combing your hair, and brushing your teeth can actually have other health and productivity benefits too. So, you see, keeping up with these simple habits not only makes you look good, but also helps your body stay healthy and your mind stay sharp - pretty cool, right?


Hey there, it's important to remember that just because your office is now in your home, it doesn't mean you should be clocking in 24/7. It's way too easy to fall into the trap of overworking when your work and personal life are happening in the same space.

Overworking can lead to a whole host of issues like burnout, stress, and even health problems. It's not just about the physical toll either. Your mental health can seriously suffer if you're constantly glued to your computer screen, replying to emails at all hours of the day and night.

One major pitfall of overworking is that you might find yourself with no time for relaxation. And trust me when I say, relaxation isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. Whether it's reading a book, meditating, or simply taking a nap, these activities help your mind and body recharge. It's like hitting the reset button on your stress levels.

Another thing that often gets pushed aside when you're overworking is hobbies. Hobbies aren't just ways to pass time; they are also avenues for learning new skills and expressing creativity. They provide an escape from work-related stress and can actually make you more productive when you do sit down to work.

And let's not forget about the people who matter most - friends and family. Overworking can rob you of quality time with your loved ones. These relationships are vital for our emotional well-being, and neglecting them can lead to feelings of isolation and unhappiness.

So remember, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial. It's not just about getting the job done but also about ensuring you have enough energy and motivation to continue doing great work without compromising on your health or happiness. After all, what good is success if it comes at the expense of everything else?

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Ah, the joys of working from home! You're in your cozy pajamas, there's no rush hour traffic to deal with, and your fridge is only a few steps away. But wait, that last part can be a problem. See, when you're working from home, it's all too easy to fall into some unhealthy eating habits. Let's talk about some of these and how to avoid them.

First off, there's the ever-tempting habit of snacking all day. It's easy to do when your kitchen is your new office break room. But constant grazing can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Instead of reaching for those chips or cookies every time you feel a bit peckish, try having some healthier options on hand like carrots sticks or apple slices.

Next up is the trap of eating unhealthy food. When you're stressed or busy, it's all too easy to reach for comfort foods or order takeout. However, these are often high in fats, sugars, and salts - not exactly the best fuel for your body. Try planning out your meals ahead of time and include plenty of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Lastly, there's the issue of skipping meals. Sometimes when you're in the zone or swamped with work, it's easy to forget to eat altogether. This can lead to low energy levels and decreased productivity. Plus, when you do finally eat, you're likely to overeat because you're so hungry. To avoid this, try setting reminders for meal times.

Remember, maintaining a balanced diet and regular meal times is crucial when working from home. It keeps your energy levels steady and helps you stay productive. So next time you're about to reach for that bag of chips or skip lunch because you're on a roll with work, think twice! Your body will thank you.

Procrastination And Distraction

Working from home can indeed be a double-edged sword. On one side, it offers the comfort of your own space, but on the other hand, it opens up a Pandora's box of distractions that can lead to procrastination. Now, you might be wondering, "What's this 'procrastination' thing?" Well, in simple terms, it's the productivity killer that we all need to avoid like the plague.

Let's dive a little deeper into some of these distractions. First on our list is being distracted by household chores. You might think that working from home gives you the perfect chance to catch up on laundry or dishes during your break. But let me tell you something: It's a trap! Sure, these tasks seem innocent enough, but they can quickly snowball into taking up more of your work time than you'd like.

Next up is the classic distraction - TV or social media. It's so easy to think, "I'll just check Instagram for a minute," or "I'll watch one episode while I eat lunch." Sounds harmless, right? Wrong! Before you know it, that 'one minute' or 'one episode' has turned into an hour. And guess what? That's an hour you could have spent getting work done.

Lastly, we have personal tasks - things like shopping online for a new pair of shoes or planning your next vacation. While these tasks are important (because who doesn't need a good pair of shoes or a relaxing getaway?), they can wait until after work hours.

So how do we combat these distractions and stay focused? It all comes down to managing your time effectively. This could mean setting specific work hours and sticking to them, taking short breaks to refresh your mind without losing focus, or even designating a specific area in your home as your 'office' to create a work-like environment.

Remember, working from home doesn't have to mean sacrificing productivity. By identifying potential distractions and developing strategies to manage them effectively, you

Remember, avoiding these bad habits can help you be more productive and happier while working from home.

Day Drinking And Other Substances

Day drinking is another bad habit you need to break if you want to stay healthy and productive while working from home. Many people see nothing wrong with having a beer or two when they are working from home and certainly the meme about making sure to blow on your mug so they think your wine is actually tea are common to see passed around these days.

Alcoholism and drug addition however are both very serious subjects and even moderate consumption can impact your ability to do work properly and make good judgments. Even though you aren't in the office, it is essential to maintain a similar level of decorum and so wait to crack open that beer until you close your laptop screen!

If you do find that this is a problem or the temptation to have a few drinks at lunch or a quick puff on your vape proves to be an issue, make sure to seek help immediately. We recommend that you seek counseling and consider checking into one of the American Addiction Centers to get a jump start on your recovery if that's a step that your family and friends think is needed.

Mental Health Matters: Prioritizing Your Emotional Well-being

As you begin to think about making your work from home experience health, it is important not to ignore mental health issues too. Physical health is obviously much easier to pay attention to, but mental health issues including stress and anxiety can creep up and create major problems.

Work-Life Balance vs Burnout

Work life balance is more than just a catch phrase, it is an important principle that guides your ability to stay healthy while working from home. After all, one of the reasons why most people chose to ditch office life is to have a better work environment that allows them to better balance work with personal time by avoiding commuting and other distractions at the office.

Work-Life BalanceBurnout
Preserves physical and mental health Leads to chronic physical and mental health issues
Boosts productivity and creativity Decreases productivity and creativity
Promotes a positive work environment Creates a toxic work environment
Encourages personal growth and learning Stunts personal and professional development
Leads to job satisfaction Results in job dissatisfaction and high turnover rates

Steps to Prioritize Emotional Well-being

Follow these steps to prioritize your mental health and emotional well-being:

  1. Recognize your feelings: Accept that it's normal to feel stressed or anxious, especially during uncertain times.
  2. Identify stress triggers: What aspects of your work or personal life are causing you stress? Once you know, you can find ways to manage them.
  3. Seek support: Reach out to a mental health professional if you're feeling overwhelmed. Many offer online consultations.
  4. Practice self-care: This can include eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and taking time for hobbies or activities you enjoy.
  5. Stay connected: Maintain regular contact with loved ones and support networks.

You're not a robot, right? So, don't act like one. Working 70 hours a week might seem like a badge of honor, but it's a one-way ticket to Burnout Town. Your mental health matters. Prioritize it. Your work, your relationships, and your happiness will thank you.

Health Benefits: How Working from Home Positively Impacts Your Well-being

So far we’ve talked about the dangers of working from home and how to avoid pitfalls that could derail your physical health and mental health. The reality though is that for most men - working from home offers a net positive impact on their well-being and they are happier and healthier being able to stay at home and work remotely.

Working from home offers a multitude of positive health benefits.

  1. Reduced Stress: Without the daily commute and the pressure of being in a formal office environment, stress levels can significantly decrease. This can lead to better mental health and overall well-being.
  2. Flexibility: Working from home allows for a more flexible schedule. This can provide more time for exercise and healthy meal preparation, which can contribute to better physical health.
  3. Improved Work-Life Balance: The flexibility also helps improve work-life balance, which can lead to better mental health.
  4. Reduced Exposure to Illness: Working from home can limit exposure to germs and illnesses, especially during flu season or a pandemic.
  5. Comfort: Being in a comfortable environment can improve one's mood and reduce stress.
  6. Increased Productivity: Many people find they're more productive when working from home, which can lead to a sense of accomplishment and positive mental health.
  7. Better Nutrition: Having access to your own kitchen can encourage healthier eating habits as opposed to eating out or grabbing quick, less nutritious meals.

Remember, everyone is different, so some people may experience these benefits more than others. It's important to establish a routine, set boundaries, and take care of your physical and mental health while working from home.

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#MenWhoBlog MemberBlogging GuruThought Leader

James' passion for exploration and sense of duty to his community extends beyond himself. This means he is dedicated to providing a positive role model for other men and especially younger guys that need support so that they can thrive and be future positive contributors to society. This includes sharing wisdom, ideas, tips, and advice on subjects that all men should be familiar with, including: family travel, men's health, relationships, DIY advice for home and yard, car care, food, drinks, and technology. Additionally, he's a travel advisor and a leading men's travel influencer who has been featured in media ranging from New York Times to the Chicago Tribune, and LA Times. He's also been cited by LA Weekly "Top Travel Bloggers To Watch 2023" and featured by Muck Rack: "Top 10 Outdoor Journalists for 2022".

He and his wife Heather live in St Joseph, Michigan - across the lake from Chicago.