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There are men all over the world who get up check their phones, go to work in a cubicle in front of a screen, and then come home to an evening of TV watching and phone scrolling, while all the time feeling the dragging ache of loneliness inside. It is said that technology makes us more connected so why does it feel so alone?  

The answer to this is that it is face-to-face real-life information that is missing, and by reintroducing it into our lives we can foster connections and community. The good news is, it's not as hard to get regular face-to-face interaction with like-minded people. All you need to do is take up one of the fun and social hobbies suggested below. Read on to find out what they are. 


The first suggested hobby to counter loneliness is volunteering. Volunteering not only gets you out of the house, and into connections with others but also provides an added benefit of living in line with your values of helping others, something that you can feel truly good about. 

There is no shortage of volunteering opportunities either, so you should be able to find something that resonates particularly with you. For example, many people like to volunteer in food banks, where they receive food donations, record and sort them, and then assemble food packages for those in need, working alongside fellow volunteers at the same time. Others find a great deal of satisfaction in getting kitted up and joining a group for a litter pick walk in the local natural beauty spot or the beach. Still, others find great fulfilment in using their construction skills and volunteering their labour to work with charities that build or repair homes for those in need such as Habit for Humanity. 

Running Clubs

OK, you know we were going to put ‘join a running club’ in here somewhere so we might as well get it in near the beginning! The thing is that running, and running clubs in particular are super popular for a reason. That reason is that not only is it a great way to get fit, but you can meet some great people and forge lasting connections while you do so. 

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Indeed, after an initial training period, most people find that they can run at a medium speed, and still have plenty of breath to chat with their running mates as they work alongside. Then all the wonderful social opportunities come from being part of a running club from fun runs, to trips away for marathons, to nights out on the town! 

Mahjong Clubs  

Another great hobby for guys that is social too is playing games like Mahjong. Indeed, to play these games in person you need to have more than one person so the socializing factor is built in. You’ll find plenty of clubs where people get together to play these games together and against each other too, as Mahjong is hugely popular throughout the country. 

Of course, if you have never played Mahjong before you may feel a little reluctant about showing up at a club and asking to join. The good news is that by playing Mahjong online first you can quickly and effectively learn the rules. You can then go on to develop your strategy, so when you play in person you can be confident and focus more on meeting and talking to your opponents!

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Adult Sports Leagues

A natural progression for many men who played sports as a kid, joining or even starting an adult team can be a wonderful way to meet and connect with new people. Happily, likely, there is already a league going on in your area, so you have the choice of joining an already-formed team or creating and registering a team of your own. 

One of the best things about playing in an adult sports league, which comes in many flavors from soccer, to basketball, to baseball to pickleball, is that there is nothing that brings people together and forges lasting connections like playing as part of a team. Indeed, when you are a team member you learn to rely on others as they rely on you, and this can help create some of the very best connections both on and off the court or pitch. 

Meditation Group

While you may not think that sitting in a room in silence with a load of other people is the best way to be social, nothing could be further from the truth. This is because while there is a period of silent meditation in such groups, this activity will be bookended with chat and socialization both before and after. Indeed, before the sit, people will have a chance to say hi and catch up, and after there is often some significant time dedicated to discussing the experiences you have in the session, or your life generally, usually in a very supportive environment. 

Language Class 

Learning a language can not only be great for your cognitive health, and make your next vacation or business trip easier, but it can also provide you with a wonderful way of connecting with others. This is because when you join a language class you are immediately in the company of others who not only share the same goal as you but who are also going through similar struggles. Indeed, not only will you share the bonding experience of talking to each other in basic French, German, or Japanese, but you’ll get to laugh and commiserate when you do so less than perfectly as well. After all, there is nothing that unites people better than going through a challenge together!  

You can find plenty of language classes offered in the community across the country, and you can even now learn online through platforms like Zoom. 

Open Mics

Last of all, if you are something of a creative at heart then why not get your dose of social interaction at an open mic night? Most towns have open mic events for all sorts of talents from singing and playing music, to slam poetry. The community that surrounds comedy open mics is also known to be particularly fun and welcoming, so if you have always fancied yourself as a standup, this is your sign!

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#MenWhoBlog MemberBlogging GuruThought Leader

James' passion for exploration and sense of duty to his community extends beyond himself. This means he is dedicated to providing a positive role model for other men and especially younger guys that need support so that they can thrive and be future positive contributors to society. This includes sharing wisdom, ideas, tips, and advice on subjects that all men should be familiar with, including: family travel, men's health, relationships, DIY advice for home and yard, car care, food, drinks, and technology. Additionally, he's a travel advisor and a leading men's travel influencer who has been featured in media ranging from New York Times to the Chicago Tribune, and LA Times. He's also been cited by LA Weekly "Top Travel Bloggers To Watch 2023" and featured by Muck Rack: "Top 10 Outdoor Journalists for 2022".

He and his wife Heather live in St Joseph, Michigan - across the lake from Chicago.