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Register now for the Complete Man Summit

For so many men these days, the question “What makes a man a man?” is nearly impossible to answer. And not only is it impossible, it brings up frustration, anger, confusion, resentment...

That’s because while there is no right answer, there are a ton of talking heads out there telling us who we “should” be as men.

And the pendulum swings from being pushed to get into full-on beast mode caveman, taking our masculine to the extreme... to the “future is female” crowd telling us to stuff down our masculine because it is too scary, too aggressive, too toxic, and be more like women.

The result is a society full of confused, angry men who don’t know where to turn. And frustrated, even angrier women who aren’t getting what they need from us.

Somewhere along the way we as men lost the sense of brotherhood. Of mentorship. Where men, heroes, who have walked the path ahead of us, step up to guide us on our path to manhood. We lost the rites of passage where we face and conquer challenges that forge us into strong men with purpose.

Leaving men of all ages, races, and socioeconomic statuses desperately wandering their own path to becoming better men, better fathers, better husbands, better leaders, without a guide.

But a number of men have committed to change this.

Next week, a group of more than 30 men... all experts and leaders in their fields... are coming together for 6 days to deliver a series of masterclasses for men around the world.

It’s called The Complete Man Summit, and the purpose and mission of this event is to empower men to become better men. To give them the guidance, info, strategies, and motivation they need, from men who have real-world, hard-won experience.

Complete Man Summit Logo

The virtual, online summit will consist of pre-recorded masterclasses, panels, and interviews in the 5 categories that matter most to men:

  • Business, Wealth & Finance
  • Health & Wellness
  • Dating, Sex & Relationships
  • Lifestyle
  • Unleashing Your Inner Warrior

The mentors include several bestselling authors, highly successful entrepreneurs including a Forbes Top 100 Wealth Advisor, military veterans who show how to lead like a Green Beret and use aggressive initiative like a Marine, award-winning chefs who teach the skills and techniques needed to make the perfect date night dinner and cocktails, fitness and nutrition experts who have more than 200 magazine covers between them, and coaches who will show how to use stress as fuel and how to laser focus your attention.

Eric Rogell Founder of the Complete Man Summit

Complete Man Summit creator, Eric Rogell, a bestselling author and host of the popular podcast “Warriors, Lovers, Kings, and Heroes,” wanted to bring together a wide variety of men as examples of the different types of manhood and masculinity that make us all men, all brothers.

“All of these men are warriors,” said Rogell. “All of them have fought their own battles, experienced crushing failures, and overcome incredible challenges. And all are committed to helping other men on their journeys. That’s what truly makes a man.”

The summit begins May 11, 2020 and is available for free. You can register by going to completemansummit.com to grab your free pass. 


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