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healthy eating is important

Are you looking for new ways of keeping healthy this year? While November and December are infamous for inspiring over consumption and January is generally the month for making goals and becoming healthier, it's essential to remember that you can start getting fitter at any time of year. Healthy eating is something that shouldn't just start and stop. For a healthy body it is important that you value fitness and health all year long. Staying healthy might be difficult at times, but we have some simple steps to help you reach your health objectives. Keep reading to learn more.

Do What You Know 

Before delving into some of the lesser-known health ideas available, it's a good idea to brush up on the fundamentals. These tried-and-true tactics have become clichés for a reason; they work. If there are some exercise ideas that you think are just too basic and boring, think again because if they have been around for a long time, it’s probably because they do a lot of good. Plus, you can make any exercise more interesting if you think about it; add some music, set yourself goals, or work with a buddy, for example. 

The fact is that regular exercise is essential. Physical exercise aids in the removal of germs from the lungs, lowering your risk of disease (including flu-like illnesses), and enhancing the circulation of antibodies and white blood cells. Eat fruits and vegetables in moderation, consume alcohol in moderation, and abandon cigarettes and vape pens as harmful habits. And, of course, you should always wash your hands. We already know these things, and they’re easy to incorporate into our routines all year round, so start here and get the basics right before moving on. 


Listen To Your Hunger And Fullness Cues 

It might be tough to learn to trust and listen to your hunger and fullness signals if you are accustomed to always wanting to have a clean plate or you have been locked in diet culture for a long time. It’s even harder when you realize there are five different types of hunger to deal with. They are as follows:

  • Mouth hunger. This is the hunger you experience when you taste something good and want to keep eating. 
  • Head hunger. You know it’s lunchtime, so you start to feel hunger pangs. 
  • Eye hunger. You might see an ad for a particular type of food and then begin to want that food, for example. 
  • Physical hunger. This is why you are truly hungry and your body needs food. 
  • Emotional hunger. Many people seek comfort in food when they are upset about something. 

Because it can be hard to determine which of these hungers you are experiencing, sometimes it can be a good idea to count calories. That way, even if you’re not technically hungry – you just think you are – you still won’t overeat. 

It may take some time to learn what hunger and fullness really feel like, but you will eventually be able to trust your body with practice, and when that happens, you will be able to stay much healthier, as you’ll be eating the right amounts of the right foods. 


Find The Right Workout For You 

Your exercise should not be a punishment but rather something that makes you feel good and celebrates what your body is capable of. If you can't handle it, don't push yourself to run on the treadmill, for example. Instead, enroll in a group class. The important thing is to discover an exercise that works for you. And the best part is that you can work out anywhere you choose, particularly with core exercises, kickboxing, or whole-body workouts. 

It’s also important to remember that exercise isn’t just about using machines in the gym or running somewhere. Exercise can be as simple as checking out road bicycle reviews and then going on a weekly bike ride with your family or meeting up with friends for a walk in the countryside. It can even be more straightforward than this; walk or cycle to work rather than drive. Park further from the entrance. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Exercise is all around you, and you just need to think ahead to maximize how much you can get. In this way, you’ll enjoy it more, and it won’t seem like such a burden, but it will keep you fit and healthy all year round. 


Stay Hydrated 

Water makes up approximately 75 percent of our bodies, and therefore it’s critical to ensure that you are providing enough of it to your body. Any dip in hydration levels can cause confusion, fatigue, headaches, our digestive system can stop working properly, and even internal organs can fail. 

Hydration is a very personal thing, so the general idea of eight glasses of water a day that so many people try to stick to isn't appropriate for everyone. If you’re not sure what’s best, speak to a nutritionist who will be able to help you understand just how much – and how often – you should be drinking. 

Also, although water is by far the best thing you can drink, you can drink other things. Just be careful when choosing. Switching from water to soda might taste better, but it’s bad for your teeth, and it can even dehydrate you faster, just like coffee and alcohol can. Make sure you’re not making yourself more unfit and unhealthy and more likely to get sick just by drinking the wrong thing. 


Try Meal Prepping And Planning 

Meal planning for the week will help you better manage your time. We devote a significant amount of effort to determining what to eat, grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning up after supper. Planning ahead and organizing your meals eliminates last-minute visits to the store and decreases aimless roaming and overpaying while you're there.

It’s great when it comes to your health too. If your objective is to lose weight, preparation ahead of time will help you regulate your portion sizes, making you less likely to overeat. Meal prepping – that is, making food ahead of time, or at least preparing all the ingredients –will also help in ensuring you eat healthy food. Rather than stopping at a drive-through or picking up an unhealthy takeout on the way home, knowing you have a dinner waiting for you at home helps reduce the temptation to choose unhealthy last-minute choices. These meals are heavy in calories and salt, and they might undermine your weight loss or health objectives. When you're weary and hungry, you're more likely to make bad eating choices, so having meals ready to go comes in useful.


Don’t Multitask When Eating 

We’re all guilty of it; we’ve all – and perhaps this is something you do to this day – multitask when we’re eating. Whether it’s watching TV, reading a book, doing work, or anything else, health issues can occur if you don’t focus solely on your food. 

The reason is that unless your brain can engage completely with the one important thing you’re doing, you may not receive the fullness signals at the right time. In other words, if you’re distracted by writing an email or watching a movie, you’ll eat without thinking, and that means you’re more likely to overeat because your brain won’t notice that you’re full. 

If you want to be healthy, make sure that when you eat that’s all you’re doing. Not only does it mean you’ll eat healthier portions, but it will make you appreciate your food too. You might get a better understanding of how flavors go together, and it’s an excellent way to be mindful and live in the present moment, which is great for stress relief (and therefore good for your health).

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#MenWhoBlog MemberBlogging GuruThought Leader

James' passion for exploration and sense of duty to his community extends beyond himself. This means he is dedicated to providing a positive role model for other men and especially younger guys that need support so that they can thrive and be future positive contributors to society. This includes sharing wisdom, ideas, tips, and advice on subjects that all men should be familiar with, including: family travel, men's health, relationships, DIY advice for home and yard, car care, food, drinks, and technology. Additionally, he's a travel advisor and a leading men's travel influencer who has been featured in media ranging from New York Times to the Chicago Tribune, and LA Times. He's also been cited by LA Weekly "Top Travel Bloggers To Watch 2023" and featured by Muck Rack: "Top 10 Outdoor Journalists for 2022".

He and his wife Heather live in St Joseph, Michigan - across the lake from Chicago.